Saturday, June 14, 2014

Last Day of Internal Medicine

Today was my last day in internal medicine and tomorrow many of ex people I first arrived with are leaving.  When the new group comes on Sunday, I, along with a small group of others will have been in Iringa the longest out of all the other people at the house.

This morning we did rounds interspersed with small lectures on anemia and diabetes.  We also spent a lot of time talking to Dr. Charles about our interests and lives back in America and England.

In the evening, a group of us walked to a restaurant called Tandoori Oven and had dinner.  Since there was about an hour wait while they cooked, the owners let us go to the bar next door and watch the World Cup on their huge TV... it definitely did not feel like Tanzania there.  In the bar there were large leather chairs and I have no idea how they got a TV like that into Africa... it was very Americanized.  We finally got our food, which was a little bland, but after waiting so long, it was great at the time.

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