Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Shopping with Akiba

This morning I woke up super early to go with Akiba (our cook) and two friends to the market to get food.  It took us in total about 5 hours to do all the shopping and on average, he spends 2 million Tanzanian shillings a week (~$1300).  No words can really describe the chaos of the shopping we did.  We went to countless little shops and open air markets getting fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and processed food.  Each is found in a different store, so we went to probably 10 different places and piled the food we bought in front of several of the stores and picked it up in the end.   We took a small truck back to the house, filling the back completely with the food and water we bought and squeezing in with it for the drive through town and back to the house.

The rest of the day we relaxed, played a lot of volleyball in the yard, and helped the newbies settle in.  All of my roommates left, so I have 3 new ones.  Beside that, nothing else really happened... before and after dinner we spent hours playing card games and then all went to bed early in preparation for our new placements tomorrow.

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