Tuesday, July 1, 2014

African Pageants

Not much went on on Friday, since I was sick, so I didn't end up going to the hospital and therefore I'm including the events of that day in Saturday's update.  In the evening I felt much better and ended up going to see Miss Iringa... pretty much like Miss America, but in Africa.  It was entertaining to say the least.

Today, I got up around 10 and went to the hospital for 3 hours.  There wasn't too much going on, but we saw a man who's bowels were moving into his scrotum and they had to surgically correct that and separate the two.  Another surgery was of a woman who had 3rd stage hemorrhoids and also needed surgery... it did not looking comfortable in the least.  There were also some natural births and I weighed a baby, but nothing exciting or new.

After picking up quilts at the Masai Market in town, we went back to the house and rested for the remainder of the day.  Most people had gone on safari or left (like last week) so the house was really quiet... a nice change.  In the evening a bunch of us went to Shooters and watched most of the Germany v. Ghana World Cup game... Shooters is definitely becoming the hangout place on the weekends.

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